I really want to know. I'm still trying to figure out why the Cows are so puffed up and in everyone's face like they have a right to be or something?
What did they get at E3 thatthey didn't have before?
MGS4? Nope, already knew about it.
Killzone 2? Okay, so it looks good, but definitely not new.
Haze? UT3? Yay for multiplats! What are we watching? MS's show now?
Uncharted? Old.
Heavenly Sword? Old.
Lair? Old.
Ratchet and Clank? Yup, already seen it.
Warhawk... so old.
SOCOM... yeah. OLD.
NCSoft is gunna make some games exclusively for the PS3.. what are they? I dunno... they just said they'd make us some games.
So what's new?
GT5, A few downloadable games, and Infamous, which looks like a cross between Crackdown and Psi-Ops.
That's not to say that the other conferences were anything to look at either darlins... Sony had the most impressive conference by far of the three. However, the other two factions aren't strutting around like bloated peacocks either. ;) So what is it Cows? Why all of the sudden are you so proud of your console?
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